1st Joint meeting on Natural Products Pharmacology
Naples, 24th – 26th February 2022
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Takoua Ben Hlel

PhD, Postdoc Researcher and tutor at the National institute of applied sciences and technology INSAT, Laboratory of engineering of proteins and bioactive molecules LIP-MB Tunis, Tunisia. The research activity focuses on: the extraction and purification of bioactive molecules from plants and microalgae: antioxidant, anticancer, antimicrobial activities, cell culture applications: antiproliferative and cytotoxic assays, in vitro digestion and absorption assays using Caco-2 cells model, fatty acids and phenolic compounds investigation via HPLC/MS and GCMS. 


E-mail: takoua.hlel@yahoo.com


Phone: +216 53 831 961


Skype contact: takoua BHlel 


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